Tuesday 23 December 2014

Facts About Giving.

This year has been truly magical for me (its not over yet still expecting more miracles and breakthroughs..abi nah). I have experienced the love of God in more ways than I can count or explain even in the disappointments. I am naturally a very content person hardly expecting much from people but always eager to help out. I LOVE TO GIVE. Like I tell my friends GIVING MAKES ME HIGH..lol. In the build up to Christmas  I have received gifts from unexpected places and people. I have also given when it seemed impossible to give. ITS WHO I AM. Giving is such a beautiful act. Every time people give, I am reminded about the generosity of God and the ultimate gift of Jesus. Lets examine certain truths about giving in no particular order.
  •  When God gives, He not only attends to the things you need, He also provides those things that you never knew you needed and probably never prayed about. That's why HE IS GOD.
Photo Credit:www.lovethispic.com
He knows you more than you know yourself. GOD HAS INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE OF YOU.
  • God uses people-you are created as a conduit of blessing. Everyman is a channel for reaching out to the world.  The blessings, talents, gifts that you have are not meant for selfish purposes but as an outreach to a world in need.
  • Little is something- I love supermarket chain Tesco's tag-line "every little helps". Every cent can go a long way to alleviate the need of another. What you consider little or insignificant might just be the right amount of assistance a family in need requires to survive another day.
    photo Credit;www.classicalchristianity.com
  • If you cannot give from the "little" you've got there's a small chance that you'll give when you've got "much". however since "much" is a relative concept wonder when that is? If you cant give from the thousands in your piggy bank, you definitely wont give when when you have millions. The true hallmark of giving is the ability to give even when you barely have "enough". Mark 12:41-44. When God gave mankind the gift of Jesus he did not have a spare son to replace the one He'd given up/out.
  • Giving does not stem from what you have or don't but from an understanding and trust in God's ability to take care of you. Phil 4:19
  • It is an act of love. John 3:16
  • its more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35
  • Giving should be done joyfully and not grudgingly. Corinthians 9:17.
    Photo Credit:www.ubdavid.com
  • Its an act of worship.
  • Expect a reward. What is a better reward than knowing you've made a difference in the life of another. Nonetheless when God gave the gift of one, he received the multiple result of you and I alongside a lost world.
  • Giving can be learnt.
  • Giving should be an increasing or progressive act/attitude
  • it does not entail money alone.
  • Giving is intentional
  • You don't really need a reason to give, JUST GIVE. 
    Photo Credit:www.ncregister.com
Don't let this season pass without sharing with another person. Remember "EVERY LITTLE HELPS"

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