Monday, 24 November 2014

Chronicles of a Clogged Toilet

Nobody wants a clogged toilet but it sometimes happens. The effect is unsightly and inconvenient especially if you've got a single bathroom. Sometimes what causes a clogged toilet are not necessarily what you'd think especially if you've got  children in the house. These culprits could range from a doll head or anything deemed fit to take a royal bath in the loo.
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In anticipation of these unwanted accidents- because surely they do happen- I have a toilet plunger ready at hand. In fact after the first incidence I waltzed off to YouTube to learn simple tips on how to unclog a blocked toilet. No point being caught unaware  again!
Just like the basic loo, life too can get clogged up despite a person's best intention. A clog is an obstruction or hindrance that prevents the flow of a process. A simple life can be clogged with too much activities especially in ones daily pursuits and commitments.
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In the hurried existence that is synonymous with today's lifestyle, it is a trap that many people are unconsciously caught in. Many people are bogged down or chocked wit a lot of issues. The past, fear of tomorrow, financial worries, and health scares are some of the issues that can clog the lives of people. If a normally pleasant person starts acting contrary it could be evidence of a clogged up life.
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 Sometimes in trying to be helpful to others we take up too much and the result is frustration, stress,bouts of anger and for emotionally charged people, the teary waterfalls. Even unhealthy relationships can clog up a person's life. Any activity or relationship that does not enhance your effectiveness or capacity as a person but drains you emotionally, financially, psychologically etc. is definitely a clog.
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In the Christian life, Sin is the major clog for the believer. It hinders, impedes and hampers every aspect of a believers life. An otherwise "fire band" becomes lukewarm and lacklustre in bible study, prayers and vibrant relationships become practically non existent. Fellowship becomes a drag and a bore. Hebrew 12:1 encourages us to "throw every sin that easily entangles us".  These includes habits and thought patterns that hamper a persons effectiveness.
Like the occasional toys and bric a bric that find its way into my loo, distractions will happen but be on your guard! Be Prepared!
How to deal with a clogged life.
1. Guard your thoughts-As a man thinks in his heart so is he. It is imperative to watch what goes through the gates of our heart "whatever is true, whatever is pure, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.things. Phil 4:8 Watch your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the issues of life Proverbs 4:23. 
2. Relax-Be still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10
3. Stop Worrying- Cast your care on the Lord and he will sustain you;He will never let the righteous be shaken.
4. De-clutter-If you have too many things going on then its time to prioritise and balance your life.
5.Be Prepared- Don't let the challenges of life catch you on aware. Immerse yourself in the word so much that the sword of the spirit is ready for the draw at the given opportunity. "your word have I hidden  in my heart that I might not sin against you" psalm 119:11
6. Pray-prayer is not a past time but a lifestyle that enhances relationship with God."pray without ceasing" 1Thess 5:17.

7. Unforgiveness- You know the saying that unforgiveness is drinking poison and expecting another person to die. It is the person who's holding the grudge that is hurt most by its effect.
8.Know you strengths and focus on them.
9. Let go off the past and embrace the present-"therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:  old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
10. Praise; have you heard the phrase, Praise changes perspective? well it does. Many times we are hampered in life because our focus is on the self instead of God. Change your perspective and life will be easier.
Chances are we will all get clogged up sometime but the way out is found in the word of God. lets get plunging.

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