Thursday 1 January 2015


ITS 2015!!! Despite the challenges and upheavals in 2014, we made it into 2015. You did not crawl into the new year but soared in like an eagle. You are stronger than you know. YOU ARE A CHAMPION. I want you to know that eagles are created to soar and rise above storm. Its in the storm that it spreads its wings wide and flexes, riding above the turbulence and going higher.
I want you to know that your experiences in 2014 good, bad and ugly only served to strengthen  your spiritual muscles and prepare you for the bounties in the new year.
Church was beautiful and my voice is hoarse but I am not keeping quiet. 2015 is not the year for silence, we'll be making some holy ghost noise on this platform this year. Got some friends over. Catch up later. Have a blessed day.

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