Thursday 31 May 2012

Journey to a better me

Its been 2 years since I last updated this blog and within that time frame alot has happened-and I mean a lot! I now have a Masters degree in Communications. Yipeee! it was'nt easy but it was worth it.The programm was financially stressfull and strained every aspect of my life. I barely had time for Josh nor had time time for socialising but hey I am better off with it today. The challenges of life are still there and the ability or inability to surmount these obstacles make us human but we dare hope to overcome and moreso strive to survive. I am determined not to merely survive but to enjoy the journey in as much as the storms of life keep raging,I SHALL OVERCOME. There is more to this lady than the roll of flabs that I'm packing!(yes the battle of the bulge in that area i'm still very much challenged but I will yet be a curvy size 12, AMEN!) I miss my folks. I've not been home in 6 years and work is already underway to change that status. cant wait to go home.Oh,the joy of eating correct fried snail rolled in pepper makes my hear pant in anticipation!(you see i love my I miss my dad, brothers, sister and in-laws. I cant wait to see my little nieces. It has indeed been an eventful past 6 years. I have grown from the lonely, tearful and fearful lil girl to a beautiful and strong woman...mind you I'm still growing! There is still so much to learn and much more to give. I am excited about the future as I gradually unravel the gift of life daily. Life is indeed a gift in as much as the unravelling sometimes take our breath away in awe, shock and sometimes unwanted surprises. I'd rather be alive and thriving than dead anyway(when there is life, there is hope and "hope maketh not ashammed" Rom 5:5. As long as our hope is anchored in God not our abilities, man and the economy, then and only then can we "do All things through CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS". In all i've been through, my joy is that I am moving forward, progressing not at the speed I would have loved(that's me the eurostar express personality) but I'm not stuck in the past dwelling on what would I've been but I've made efforts to improve myself academically and settle down in my adopted home with loving and kind friends. The journey to a better me as been fraught with challenges, pains, betrayal, hurts, loneliness but I have CHOSEN to allow these experiences be stepping stones and not allow them overwhelm or overshadow who I really am. I am a loved child of a love God and nothing can change that fact no matter what I'm going through or I've been through.

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