Have you ever been wrongly judged or assessed in a situation and it drove you utterly nuts? What did you do? Stand your ground or smiled it away? I know someone that is not so easily pushed around..
My new found sister, Francina Norman (yes she is! we share the same royal blood-Jesus-so she is stuck with me whether she knows it not or likes it not, na she sabi..lol) shared an hilarious experience recently that got everyone reeling in laughter at the just concluded Authentic Woman Conference which held in Dublin.
Prophetess Francina Norman |
Francina had boarded a first class cabin on a plane and was minding her business when a strange man walked up to her and said her husband must be a basketball player for her to be able to afford the ticket! Well I've never sat in the first class cabin of an aeroplane so can't offer an appropriate description of what it looks like or the "calibre" of people that do. You can either Google or lets imagine the travel experience together. If you have on the other hand, inbox me the details or get me a ticket so my experience can be factual..lol.

In true Francina fashion, she told the man her husband was not a footballer but a drug dealer and asked if the man wanted to be a customer!. Her response threw the man off balance and drew an applause from the other passengers. Imagine the audacity! Of course, Francina was messing with the man but it put him back in his place. She stood her ground and did not allow the strange man's "warped" criteria for who qualifies to sit in first class ruffle her feathers. As long as she could buy the ticket then she qualifies!
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Many times, certain situations or people try to intimidate us, setting barriers and standards as to where we can go, what we can achieve, success level that we can aspire to or attain. Society and culture also attempt to determine what one qualifies for. However, sometimes the enemy might be within, closer than you think. This has nothing to do with your background or environment rather opinions formed by experiences. It could be a past experience trying to set limits on future glories. Who say's you can't have a life after a divorce? Or find marital bliss as a single parent? or even have a financial breakthrough after several financial mistakes? STAND YOUR GROUND! Other times it could be the issue of gender or skin colour, it doesn't matter, STAND YOUR GROUND!. Thank God Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger when she was forced to. She knew she deserved better treatment as a human being and STOOD HER GROUND against racial discrimination.
Rosa Parks
Her bravery gained her international recognition and helped repeal an unfair law. David was no stranger to intimidation especially from his household. He had journeyed to the battle front to give "bread" to his brothers only to find the Israelite army cowering before the philistine giant.
David saw a glory moment and wanted to take it but the first opposition came from his brothers. "But when David's oldest brother, Eliab heard David talking to the men, he was angry. " what are you doing around here anyway?" he demanded. "What about those few sheep you'r supposed to be taking care of? I kow about your pride and deceit. You just want to see the battle!" 1Samuel 17:28. The brothers were determined to cap his ambition.
But David was having none of that "what have i done now? David replied. I was only asking a question...then David's question was reported to the king and the king sent for him" vrs 29-31. Well before his physical combat on the battle field, David's bold questions got the king's attention.
Imagine if he'd allowed his brother's intimidation to re-route his ambition and sent him home.
I tell autism daily "you are not having my son" "Joshua was bought at a price" "Joshua is healed". Everyday I stand up to the nay sayers, mistakes, wrong choices even the inner voices that want to derail my vision. In the words of Paula White "Since you did not save me, you cannot judge me"! STAND UP TO THE PAST! STAND UP TO YOUR MISTAKES! STAND UP TO YOUR NAY SAYERS! If you will do anything today STAND UP FOR YOUR GOALS, STAND UP FOR JESUS, STAND YOUR GROUND.
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