*Sacha* knew without a doubt that she'd need every ounce of strength to teach her new class. She'd just recently moved down town and had taken a position to teach a group of kids whose behaviour would test the patience of a saint. But she needed the job desperately as the extra money would help offset her college debt. Looking at the motley group of kids in front of her, she knew that mere pumping of information would not be effective, so she decided on a strategy that may get their attention-demonstrate the art of karate and get them to repeat her actions. The class found it interesting and from that simple demonstration, she was able to teach self control and alertness.
She got in that moment what days of standing in front of a chalk board and just talking couldn't achieve. She incorporated a training strategy in her teaching.
I recently concluded a professional training certification and realised the immense benefits of training as an effective tool in learning (bagged myself a distinction as well...*deafening applause* you are too kind..lol)
Training is such a misunderstood word. Most people assume teaching to be training but that's absolutely wrong. Teaching entails reeling off information while training is a demonstration of skills in the impartation of knowledge. It is simply "show and tell". A true trainer must be able to demonstrate a set of knowledge skills and not just talk and talk.
As a parent, I know what it is to talk "the talk" to my son. "Joshua thou shall not" is a regular feature of my conversation with my boy. After all, the bible says "train up the child in the way that he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it "Proverbs 22:6. However. how often do I demonstrate my own instruction is another issue.
This scripture that is largely misunderstood means "tell them and show them". If you tell a child don't lie, then you don't lie because children learn through observation and are known to repeat what they see.. You want kindness from your child, then show kindness. For a lot of people, believers are their first encounter with Christ especially our children. Like it not, you are a book being read by many . I pray you make an interesting read.

This scripture that is largely misunderstood means "tell them and show them". If you tell a child don't lie, then you don't lie because children learn through observation and are known to repeat what they see.. You want kindness from your child, then show kindness. For a lot of people, believers are their first encounter with Christ especially our children. Like it not, you are a book being read by many . I pray you make an interesting read.
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