Just by merely looking at the murky concoction that my father was making, I knew without a shadow of doubt that I wanted no part of it. Unfortunately, I got nominated to do the honours of passing verdict on this invention. My father is an ardent cook and is always looking for creative ways to make bland food more interesting. His children were his test victims but this particular food simply did not pass my visual test so I bluntly refused.
No way on earth's sphere was I going to allow that "muck" down my throat. I had witnessed the making of it and believed it wasn't just safe..lol. Without pushing his luck, my father simply handed over his creation to my younger ones who took it with mush gusto and were gushing about "baba's" latest fad. I was waiting for someone to throw up only to see them smacking their lips and begging for more.

Quietly and out of curiosity, I went to taste the dregs of the concoction and IT WAS AMAZING. Tail in hand, I crawled to my father and asked for some. "Baba, i tasted the drink and its actually nice. Can I have some", I begged. But it was too late. My Chef Daddy had cleaned up his creative instruments and was done for the day. As a child, that was the saddest day of my life made worse by my siblings making so much fuss about Baba's power drink. I made up my mind that day many years ago never to bluntly refuse anything that came out from my father's kitchen without at least giving it a trial. He is my father and would not deliberately harm me. What my father made that night was a healthy jug full of green juice packed with healthy nutrients. I did not appreciate it initially but now I'm an advocate for green juice, call me a
"Green Juice Campaigner".
God has a lot in store for his children only if we will draw nigh unto him and trust His benevolence. How can you know the taste of a thing without making an attempt to put it on your tongue and allow your sense of taste give a verdict.

There is only so much information you can get from other people's review except you have a personal encounter. I love the ministry of the woman at the well with Jesus in John. After her meeting with Jesus, she ran into the village to share the good news. Out of curiosity, the villagers came out to meet the man who had sparked such excitement from this woman. They came out of curiosity but ended up with a personal experience. Their verdict was no longer based on second hand review
."They said to the woman, we no longer believe just because of what you said now we have heard for ourselves and we know that this man is truly the Saviour of the world" John 4:1-42.
"The angel of the lord encamps around those who fear Him, And rescues them.Oh taste and see that the lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. O fear the lord, you His saint, there is no want to those who fear Him" Psalm 34:7-9.
God is good and desires that everyone should partake of His immense goodness and generosity.
"I will satisfy my priests with abundance and my people shall be filled with my bounty", declares the lord. Jeremiah 31:14. In fact, God oozes goodness.
The lord wants to save, heal, restore, bless etc. Like.Like my glass of green juice, God is full of goodness and wants you to partake in the overflow.
P.S. I want to specially celebrate a dear friend who is a living testimony of what it means to taste and see the goodness, mercy, blessing, healing, favour and joy of the lord. Happy birthday Mildred. I must say you won the weight loss challenge. I bow but ain't giving up. Kindly check out Mildred's blog
Here . Yep! She's also a pastor.
Pst Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo. |
Too true Gladys, I agree 100%. Second hand encounters has its place but one on one does it all! When you hear of the goodness of our heavenly Father from others, its not only inspiring but proof that you too are worthy of His unique touch! Well said my Sister!
ReplyDeleteNothing beats a first hand personal experience. Thanks for your wise contribution.