It was an unusual kind of day. For some inexplicable reason I woke up cranky, sad and very much upset. There was no obvious reason for my foul mood as I'd gone to bed the previous night happy and ready to conquer whatever the dawn would bring in its wake. But I woke up defeated and angry at the world and at myself-angry at where I was and how I'd stupidly allowed myself to be browbeaten by life. Before the dark thoughts could overwhelm and totally ruin my day, I rolled onto my knees and prayed. The words that rolled out of my tongue were not the grand words that I was used to but the heartfelt cry of a little girl that I'd lost her way. As I poured my heart out, I realised I was praying in a not so familiar language. Not so familiar because I use the language to converse but never actually pray. You see, I was born in a Yoruba speaking part of Nigeria but I'm not a Yoruba girl by origin.

To make matters more interesting, I was born in the not so much posh side of town so I know how to get down and dirty in the language.

I can read, write and rap freestyle in the language. That day years back, the only interesting and fascinating thing I was doing in Yoruba was pouring my feelings at the feet of the one who loves and cares for me, in a language dear to me. Despite all my claim to Western education, the deep part of me is still that small Yoruba speaking girl and it was that little girl that reached out to the Master's feet after all the bible says
"Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me" Psalm 42:7. In order to experience a deeper intimacy with God, there was no room that morning for excessive grammar or pretence before the one who knew me even before creation
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee; I have appointed thee a prophet unto the nations" Jeremiah 1:5
Hannah in the book of 1 Samuel definitely understands my position. She found herself in the temple brow beaten by barreness and humiliated by her husband's other woman. When she opened her mouth to pray, no audible word came forth only a heartfelt mumble that only God understood. Many times in the place of prayer words will fail but thank God for the HOLY SPIRIT.
"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God" Romans 8:26-27
"Intimacy with God is found in the realm of the spirit" BENNY HINN. It is a place of perfect communion and fellowship with God-no barriers or hindrances only easy and free access to the almighty."
it is at times like this that words become inadequate because spoken words are the expression of the mind and not the soul. Words cease and you stop asking. Only your heart can speak as it erupts in worship". It is a heartfelt, deep level cry, communication and fellowship..TOTALLY AWESOME.
That morning, I got on my knees broken but when the Yoruba little girl in me cried out, I rose up strengthened and my countenance brightened. I love that little girl in me

, she is the reason I still smile through it all.
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