Most people dread Mondays! After a weekend of fun and relaxation, its back to a reality of work and serious endeavour. For most people, work is a chore-backbreaking,monotonous and boring. However no matter the kind of job you do, Mondays do not have to dreary!! It is all about you attitude. What you bring into your day and how you tackle the day's activities matter.
YOU SHOULDN'T BE AFRAID OF MONDAYS, MONDAYS SHOULD BE AFRAID OF YOU!! Man is created for dominion and that includes taking charge of how your day is going to take shape. Shape your world with the right words and attitude. The most challenging situation or job can turn up beautiful if handled with a winning attitude. I know this attendant on the Waterford bound train. I don't know his name but I remember his smile and amiable character. He treats passengers as if we are all first class customers aboard a luxury jet. I'm sure the job doesn't pay much but it didn't affect his service delivery rather the man makes it an experience for all to enjoy and remember. Seriously, a simple cup of tea is more tasteful when served by my nameless friend. Don't complain about your job,
BE THANKFUL you've got a job at all! Don't dread Mondays,
BE THANKFUL you're alive to experience a Monday.
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" psalm 118:24. Everything you need to have a beautiful day and life is within your reach. God took time to fashion this day. You don't have to do much, just rejoice and be glad in it. No more lousy Mondays,
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