There is something about food that makes me happy. Serve me a bowl of any edible, tantalising and finger licking delicacy and I'll be smiling like the cat that got cream..lol. I LOVE FOOD. But there are days that even the best cooked meal will fail to lift the corner of my eyes or touch my heart?
You see sometimes the last thing you feel like doing is smiling. Do you feel like crawling into a corner and bawling your eyes out right now? Go on, give it a good go! Crying serves its purpose, therapeutic and all but when you are done give that challenge a kick in the backside by smiling like the whole world depended on it. I have learnt to smile irrespective of the situation around me. I'm not talking about that false smile that people have somewhat mastered that comes out lifeless. I'm talking full on MEGAWATTS that comes from a point of knowing IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. David understood this principle that is why some of his psalms might start out sad and defeated but his countenance would suddenly brighten and so does his situation. He knew God is never far. Just like praise, your smile confuses the enemy and brings a ray a of sunshine into an otherwise darkened situation. You can't offer praise to God and be gloomy. You may start out sad but I bet when you get midway recounting the awesomeness of God, His faithfulness and goodness, you wont be able to stop that upside down frown turning ride side up (seriously smiling myself now). Just as Praise changes your perspective, a smile brightens up an otherwise harsh countenance. People that smile make better companions, are approachable and pleasant to be around. I have certain friends that I love being around because they have a way of lighting up and making others smile, I call them
LIGHTBEARERS. You may feel there is no obvious reason to smile but you are never without hope. Keep smiling in the midst of it all and watch God show up on your behalf. Moreover, your smile matters to somebody and
YOU ARE SOMEBODY'S REASON TO SMILE. My friend's mum once said watching me eat gladdens her heart..lol. Try it today,
ITS FREE and it has the capacity to transform just about anyone except Mr Burns in THE SIMPSONS ..lol
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