Wednesday, 13 November 2013
I was deeply pained when I read about a pastor that committed suicide a few days after he told his congregation that God was not hearing him. Rev.teddy Parker, a father of two, shot himself in the head with his own gun after Sunday service at Bible Mount Zion Baptist Church Georgia while his family and congregation were still at his church waiting for him for the next service. Reports say He'd told his congregation that he no longer felt a connection with God."I try to pray but I don’t feel like God is hearing me,” Parker said to his congregation “I try to serve but I don’t feel like God is using me. And there are times in your life when God purposely withdraws from you, he doesn’t withdraw for the sake of leaving you but he withdraws so you can grow and mature.. That sounded to me like a desperate plea for help and not a sermon.
A lot of comments I have read on Parker's unfortunate demise has been quite unkind given his position as a pastor. Many wonder why "a man of God would commit such a dastardly act as suicide". He is a man of God nonetheless A MAN. The poor man may have had issues that he could not share with friends lest he be labelled "O YE MAN OF LITTLE FAITH". His family had high expectations of him, the congregation depended on him to have it all together and God knows what other matters the poor man had looming over his head that drove him to make such a "deadly decision". Let’s leave the theoretic of Christianity out of this discourse for a moment and be real-FOR ONCE! Many Christians find it difficult to admit being overwhelmed by some of life’s many challenges and put up a facade built on lies. We are afraid to be real to ourselves and to others. Christian admitting challenges is perceived as a sign of Weakness. “What would people say?” we wonder. So we keep up the pretence. 2Kings 4 recalls the story of the widow’s oil and God’s divine provision. She’d lost her husband and her 2 sons were about to be taken away, talk about a whooper-of-a –problem. Did she keep quiet? No! Did she seek out help? Yes! Was her problem solved? Yes- but not till she shared her problems. In 1 Kings 19 Elijah was wallowing in self pity and depression until God appeared to him and offered him a reprieve from his “problems”. Sometimes talking about your problems and crying for help is not a sign of weakness but STRENTH. 2Cor 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
Next time you feel overwhelmed or burdened, don’t hold it in SPEAK OUT and you’ll be better off after.
P.S. Be mindful of who you share your problems with. Seek professional help if you have to.

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