Thursday, 21 November 2013
I hate going to the hospital! Hospitals are meant for the lame, wounded, broken and weak. None of those labels applies to "macho me". I am thankfully hale and hearty. However despite my best intentions, I find myself sometimes seeking medical attention not necessarily because I'm ill but to check that everything is in tip top shape, don't want any nasty surprises down the lane. If I can visit a physician to prevent unwanted and undesirable ailments albeit unseen or probably showing symptoms, then it stands to reason that I should visit a relationship clinic for relational issues. We live in a broken world with people carrying lots of emotional garbage around despite the many attempts to cover up. That is why there are definitely bound to be fireworks despite their better intentions when a man and woman come together in a relationship and it takes concerted efforts by both parties to make it work. Most couple don’t set out to hurt each other but they eventually do. Deny as much as you can but we sometimes need external help especially from knowledgeable professionals to make this “relationship project” work. I can treat a common cold with over the counter medication but I cannot carry out surgery on myself but require the services of registered surgeon that specialises on that ailment. Does that make me less "macho"? I DON'T THINK SO! I'd rather reach out for help than self medicate and die in pain. Many people have been hurt prior to marriage and many are being hurt in marriage. For some it’s a continuous cycle of pain that is unfortunately being transferred on the children. These unhealthy trends if left unchecked will affect even generations yet unborn. Some of us don’t even know how to show love or give love (guilty as charged!). That’s where DY relationship clinic comes in. “DY Relationship Clinic (DYRC) creates a platform for members to share and celebrate the successes in their relationships to encourage and uplift other members at difficult times” I met DYRC founders Deji and Yemi Adenuga over seven years ago
(Yemi is one of the reasons I’m a size 18...she makes a mean efo riro and Uncle Deji can pound yam fit for a king). I love and admire the honesty and friendship they share as a couple and I have seen this dynamism in their family life carried into every project they undertake (did I say, they’ve got the Midas touch as well? They sure do). I would say they are each other’s best cheer leader; each encouraging and supporting the other not intimidated or challenged by the other’s success. With over twenty years of marital experience, this couple definitely know what the relationship journey entails.
So come December 13th 2013, the DYRC is cordially inviting you to its Christmas dinner and seminar.
Seriously the more informed we are on how to handle relational issues the less divorce we would have.
Remember, happy couple makes a happy family and a happy family makes a happy society.
Now how and where do I get a man to take me to the dinner? Chei! The dilemma of a single girl!!!

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