I was minding my business the other day when my phone buzzed with a message. It was a WhatsApp message from Caroline Adebayo- Oke, Wife of the Regional Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Ireland inviting me to the Authentic Woman's Conference 2014. To say I was surprised would be the understatement of the year.
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Photo Credit:Petr Kratochivl. www.public domainpictures.net |
It was not a general text invite but an actual conversation with the Regional mummy as she is fondly called by all.
She asked how Josh and I were doing which made the invite more personal. Till today I never bothered to ask how she got my number but was excited and content to just be in her phone book..lol. Who am I to receive the attention of these highly respected woman? I was determined to find out more. I had heard about the Authentic Woman's conference but had made no concrete plans to attend but my morning chat with the convener changed it all. My curiosity was piqued.
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Photo Credit:www.quickmeme.com |
My earlier excuses not to attend the event suddenly seemed trivial in the face of heaven's attention. I felt for the Regional mummy to have taken time out to personally invite little me for this programme then God must have something great in store for me and He sure did. IT WAS AMAZING. My earlier concerns about getting someone to mind Joshua or how I would manage if I took him along were taken care off. I heeded the voice of the Holy Spirit and took him along. Guess what? My son was the perfect boy barely made a sound(and you still think God didn't orchestrate my invite?)
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Photo Credit:www.pinterest.com |
I had initially gone out of respect and to honour this amazing woman of God but was blessed beyond words. Infact I'm looking forward to the next conference.
Like me, Saul's grandson Mephibosheth must have wondered when he got the royal invite to David's palace. He must have quakered on his lame feet imagining death for himself after all his grandfather was anything but kind to David. Read 2 Samuel 9. What a surprise he got at the palace. Instead of death he got immeasurable blessings. "for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. i will restore to you all the lands that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table.
What a surprise! His fears were nothing in comparison with what awaited Him at the palace and so are yours.
The point of this post is that Eternal life with God is an exclusive event and Jesus the special invite that God has personally sent out to you "Look, I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, i will come in and we will share a meal together as friends" Revelations 3:20. Why not give receive Him today and see the amazing blessings that awaits you. Please don't ignore. you'll be glad you accepted. I am.
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