As the years go by, I have realised that happiness is neither the abundance or lack of things.

It is the state of a person's mind at any given time or situation. I have met people who had everything but were still miserable. I have also met people who had absolutely nothing to their names but are light givers everywhere they go. Of course, poverty is not a desirable state,
MBAKWA!! Nobody wants to be poor-I DON'T WANT TO BE POOR. Happiness is a state of contentment. It is not determined by external things or people. If being rich was enough criteria for happiness, why do the rich also cry or seek for a semblance of happiness in drugs, and over indulgent living? Sadly, a good percent have also found succor in sucide! I have met married people who are miserable and I've also encountered fulfilled singles and vice versa. There is no joy in poverty neither is it found in a bulging bank account. I have read about ladies who thought having the perfect body would make them acceptable and fast track their way on the social ladder only to find that the perfect body can only hold the society's attention for thirty seconds and oooops! binned and forgotten. I have watched videos and read about people who added more value to the lives of others in the short time that they were on planet earth than those who had the where-withals to make a difference and amounted to absolutely nothing. I have met people desperate for fame and wealth, who would do anything to achieve their goals not minding who gets trampled on their way to the "top",all for selfish recognition and public applause-an applause that will surely abate after the initial euphoria is lost. You see, things will fail and people will disappoint but the
WORD OF GOD ENDURETH FOREVER. Money comes and goes and beauty fades
but a woman that fears the lord who can find" . imagine marrying a woman for her beauty or perky breasts, what surprise awaits that man fifteen years down the True living is finding contentment at whatever level you find yourself. This is not an excuse to be lazy or live in self denial afterall you need money to propagate the gospel rather it is the ability to put value on what really matters.

Paul in Phil 4:11-13 says
"Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." . The abundance or lack thereof did not affect Paul's disposition to life, attitude to people neither did it affect his purpose. In all Paul was
UNSTOPPABLE. Prosperity did not make him strong willed and selfish neither did poverty truncate his vision. God does not want his children to be poor neither does He want them to forget the real purpose of wealth. God desires that we understand what true wealth actually is and the source of lasting joy. God is more concerned with the prosperity of your soul.Proverbs 11:3-4
"the integrity of the upright will guide them,but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.Riches do not profit in the days of wrath but righteousness delivers from death". I am writing this post not because I have everything according to the world standards afterall I am living with a disability, unemployed(for been rejected more times than I can recall, emotionally battered and bruised etc. However, I am a mother to a delightful little boy despite his health challenge, I have a loving family, I am blessed with a ridiculous sense of humour that brings joy everywhere I go and is gradually becoming a growing brand in Ireland. I may not have much in the eyes of the world but I have a God who never fails to show up whenever I call-no network failure or excuses. I am writing this because
I AM HAPPY NOT BECAUSE OF THE THINGS I'VE GOT BUT WHO I'VE GOT. 1 Cor 1:31 "it is written, let him who boasts, boast in the lord"
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