I don't care that some people have lost the ability to be humane and most times unappreciative, I still believe in doing good. Life is not about how people treat you but how you respond in return is what sets you apart from the rest. Being good does not have to involve an herculean task even a simple kind gesture could go a long way in helping someone and it leaves a lasting impression. Several years ago, I was so broke and had no one to ask for help. Imagine being alone and disabled in a foreign country with a little child and no source of income. Survival was paramount on my mind but where would I start given my peculiar situation. Out of frustration, I refused to attend church the following Sunday. I was unhappy and didn't want to be in the midst of people especially church people-I just wanted to wallow in self pity and bemoan my plight to the universe. But as it is with the universe, I never got my request rather the last person I wanted to see came knocking. You see Sister Lara is one of those rare church sisters that always had a smile for everyone. Her smile was not pretentious but stemmed from a sincere desire to transform lives one smile at a time. We weren't particularly close so I was shocked to see her at my doorsteps. She'd somehow noticed my absence at service and wanted to check if all was well. The thing is,this Sister could have easily gotten my phone number as she'd easily got my house number but that was not her modus operandi-she had to come see herself. What touched me about her visit was despite my every attempt to send her away with a flimsy excuse regarding my one time absence from church, she just wouldn't buy it(wouldn't want to have her as an enemy serious such tenacity from a pint size lady!).

I was literally forced to tell her my financial situation. "Is that all"? she asked with a smile. to cut the story short, she reprimanded me for missing service bla bla, prayed and encouraged me not to miss church the following sunday. No big deal in that narration is it? The following Sunday, I dutifully attended church. My financial situation had not changed but I decided to give God another chance..lol. Waiting for me after service was sister Lara who discreetly handed me an envelop containing enough money to tide me over for a while. She'd discussed my plight with the church welfare board and the church had come to my rescue. I was overwhelmed at the gesture given that the church was small and over half of her members unemployed. You see the church did not have much but was still able to give from the little it had. I am a natural giver but more so since that day. I don't care for arguments about pastors that use church funds to finance lavish lifestyles-leave them-they will answer to God. You play your part and let God handle His.
Malachi 3:10"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it".

The church is able to fend for people in need like myself at that time as a result of people's obedience to scripture. Generosity should not be relegated to the church alone but should encompass your immediate sphere. The Irish Charity sector has been rocked by scandal lately following accusations of misappropriation of funds by some charity organistions. This has in turn affected peoples' attitude to giving money to charitable causes. I know people feel betrayed as the monies were meant to finance charitable projects and not fund lavish life styles for a few greedy people. Be that as it may, I have not allowed that singular issue stop me from doing what I know is right-
GIVING. Besides the reward of giving, the act itself is uplifting.
Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." So don't tire of giving and doing a good deed-it goes full circle back to you. P.S I did a good deed today, wasnt't much. I kept flashing my headlamps at oncoming vehicles to warn them of a speed camera van ahead. some acknowledged my warning by flashing back while others simply ignored the crazy African woman harrassing them with her lights...lol.It seems silly doesn't it? but I FELT EPIC.
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