Am I the only person that find diets exhausting? thought not! it requires a lot of
determination and
discipline most of which I tend to have in short supply *shamefaced*. With so much diet fads and trend its no wonder dieting would seem like an overwhelming task. The journey to a healthier and sexier me is further stressful given the ease with which other people seem to lose weight. *sigh*. Never mind those skinny *****es* on magazines
blame the bad language on envy). The truth is
I love food! If its edible, I'll eat it despite my better intentions. When I see food, all semblance of good sense and sensibility goes out the window especially when I visit my good friend
Beauty-her red stew is "sinfully delicious". Oh, why do I have such hyperactive taste buds and insatiable appetite?.
WHY!!! Many times I've been tempted to give up the whole diet palava but at the last minute remember I have much more to gain if I lose weight compared with the health challenges of obesity. Its not easy but I'm sticking with the programme. For instance, I have green tea with lemon

on my mid day snack plan but my tummy is craving correct Eba smothered in vegetable soup yum yum!!

Despite the rumbling of my tummy, I chose to stick with my plan, refusing to give into my baser instinct like a ravenous beast. I've simply had enough of the yoyo diet. I want to shed the extra flabs once and for all. Aside from my uncontrollable appetite *cough*, doctors have identified other reasons but I say bull crap!!(too much expletives going bad). More than ever before, I have come to appreciate the power of the holy spirit in weight loss. Whenever I fall off the wagon
(which I do), I get back up with His help without any condemnation. To the many ladies struggling to achieve their dream weight goals, you are not programmed to go the journey alone. If it matters to you then be sure it MATTERS TO GOD. However the holy spirit is the perfect gentleman He would not force his way into where He is not invited or welcomed. Ironically, we invite His help into our relationships, finances etc but shut the door when it comes to weight loss. We boast in self effort and crumble when we fail. The power for lasting transformation lies in GOD. the journey to a healthier and sexier me has been a slow YET progressive one. More than ever before I'm sticking with the program. Aside from the health benefits, I want to look good on my wedding day. I want my husband to carry me across the thresh hold and not drag me by the hair or hire a crane to do his job-don't want him to hurt his back either*cough* All parts are necessary for a blissful honeymoon, I've waited too long to be denied any part of my "entitlement" *cough*. With that picture in mind, I'm putting my back into the programme
."fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God".Hebrew 12:2. It is important for a successful weight loss programme that you identify why you eat, connect with friends with similar goals and seek help from the Holy Spirit-you are just a prayer away from your desired goal.