The ring was set in the hot arid desert. It was an unusual setting for a wrestling match but the fight itself was an usual one. The man in the left corner was thick set with a wild look about him. He had an usual glint in his eyes like he knew something nobody else does
(wouldn't want to be caught in the same room with him). Which makes me wonder about his opponent. He looked disadvantaged besides the thick set man. He was slightly built beside his giant opponent and looked hungry. How did he get into this situation? Somebody please help him before he gets beaten to a pulp. It looked like an unfair match from the onset.
Clang! Clang!! Clang!!! The match has begun. The man in the left threw a killer punch that was smartly deflected by the smaller man. Every punch and maneuver by the bigger man was tactically avoided by his opponent. It seemed I had underestimated the pint size fighter. One would think he was privy to the other's tactic. Guess the thick set man thinks so as well given the frustrated look on his face. with a mighty roar he dived at his opponent, it was a gut wrenching shout meant to scare the little guy into shitting himself. But the little man was having non of that, he'd anticipated this move, it was peculiar to bullies and he'd met a fair share of this type-all air and no clout. He waited till the bigger man was close enough and cleverly stepped aside. The thick man landed on his face, red faced he lifted himself up and slumped to the left corner of the ring. What just happened he wondered? It was meant to be an easy bout-one punch should have knocked out his skinny opponent.
The above scenario alludes to the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. The devil walks into the setting with a know it all attitude. He had a "winning" strategy in his pocket-knock the man Jesus out when He is weakest. The devil knew Jesus was hungry and thought he could knock the lord out without much stress but he got the shock of his life. Although He was hungry, Jesus was still thinking right unlike Esau who sold his birthright in a bout of hunger
(Gen 25:29-34). Jesus was meant to be at a disadvantage given the setting and situation, the poor dude had been fasting for 40 days and 40 night!! The enemy had a "good" strategy but this time he was messing with the wrong person. For Jesus, it was not about the circumstances around him but what he carried inside. He was not sustained in those 40 days by regular food but by the fellowship he had with his father."It is written:
'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4.
Just like with Jesus, the devil will come with a sneak attack when you least expect or are prepared. That's not fair you say...It's not fair but you are not without help.
"I will not leave you comfortless,I will come to you..at that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you". So be encouraged and prepared ALWAYS. To win, you don't need plenty words just THE RIGHT WORD. Jesus did not waste time bantering with the enemy, He knew what was at stake so a few well chosen word got the enemy scampering away DEFEATED!!! Remember,
Its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog
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