Thursday, 30 January 2014
The Wrestling Match

Monday, 27 January 2014
Go on Laugh Daily (GOLD)
. You think your life is tough? try being a bike seat for a day! I saw this interesting video on YouTube that followed a day in the life of a bike seat being saddled and ridden by different women. The poor seat was sat on,bounced on, probably farted on and totally harassed by all manner of ample female behinds! If bicycle seats could talk, what a tale they would regale. Sometimes we think we've received the rough end of the stick in life and others have got it easier. Well, yes! Some people seemingly have it easier but beneath it all like my baby sister would say "its all in the packaging". Its a matter of presentation and packaging. Everyone has got a story, some are just more visible and read more loudly than others. I read somewhere a while back that "you are either coming out of a storm or going through a storm". So what do you do in the midst of life's many challenges? Simply enjoy the moment by HAVING A GOOD ATTITUDE! A grumpy attitude does not make the situation less palatable but a joyful spirit makes the journey easier. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds" James 1:2. The journey of life is not a walk in the park but an adventure(think Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom). Learn to laugh no matter what comes your way. Laughter is precious, endearing and cost nothing. Infact, its benefits are immense-YOU LIVE LONGER. laughter clubs are even becoming popular...yep! you heard me. I have a friend that probably has the most contagious laughter. She would laugh at the silliest and most mundane things! She found fun in life and that got her through a rough childhood-not to mention also got her into lots of trouble with the teachers
. As a lady, I know what it means to flaunt my most valuable assets-that innate DESIRE for people to see those fabulous shoes, clothes, jewelries etc. It also called NOTICE ME. Your laughter can also draw attention and endear you to many. Its an INVALUABLE ASSET, WHY NOT FLAUNT IT-ITS GOLD. Stop hiding it behind a grumpy attitude. So like our dear old bike seat it doesn't matter the size of the rump that's bouncing on your leather(no pun intended) enjoy the ride! it will soon be over!
This post is dedicated to my baby sister, YOU MAKE ME LAUGH THE MOST. LOVE YAAA!

Saturday, 25 January 2014
The bucket list.

Thursday, 23 January 2014
Its all in THE WORD

Monday, 20 January 2014
You are what you eat.

Friday, 17 January 2014
The shattered plate.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Water of Life
Kirstin hates fish! For some reason the mere sight of any fish in whatever manner seems to irk her. I have noticed at several events how she walked past any delicacy that contained fish no matter how it was garnished or presented.
This particular day, a meeting was held at my house and my dearest catering crew decided to make a platter of fish the main dish. So guess who turned up her nose at my lovely array of food but I wasn't going to let her get away with it this time-no one turns up their nose at the food I spent good money on even if she's wearing drool worthy shoes! "Are you not eating anything", I asked "innocently. She shrugged her shoulders but I wasn't letting go easy. After much prodding she told me she HATED fish because of the painful memories associated with it in her life.(seriously, I initially found it difficult to believe because food plus+me= very happy memories and I've got my plus size waistline as proof..lol). Kirstin parents were poor and could barely feed their 5 children. A good meal most times consisted of unmentionables with the obligatory Mackerel fish heads that her mum could glean off the market fish monger. So fish in whatever form reminded my dear friend of poverty and shame despite the fact that the memories were over 35 years old. Kirstin now has the privilege of avoiding fish as she could afford to eat whatever she likes but our dearest woman at the well did not have that option. Remember the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:1-40? In her discussion with Jesus she requested for the living water "so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” She wanted that life giving water so she wouldn't be drawing from that "well again". "The well" was a constant reminder of her position in society-a fallen woman, outcast, recluse, fornicator etc. She was tired of quenching her thirst with water drawn in despair, lonliness and shame. It was bad enough that she had to make that endless journey but drawing water from that well was labourious "the well is deep" (John 4:11). Imagine making that painful journey day in, day out, year in, year out; same drugedry yet no new outcome. She always went back thirsty! Imagine her surprise, when she found there is a way out of her present life of shame and that way was just by the well.
Like this nameless woman, I had a well I was drawing from for years. It was a well whose water was coloured with pain, regrets, depression,failure until I found another kind of well whose water was refreshing and life giving. All I had to do was exchange one for the other. People in developing countries appreciate pipe borne waters because they've experienced the challenges of drawing water from murky wells and river-its more convenient, healthier and readily available. No more long treks to fetch mostly dirty water.
what well have you been drawing from? It may be the aftermath of misadventure, failure, rejection, abortion, divorce, fear you can stop today. You must know by now that drawing from the well of negative actions is never easy. It is painful and dark. When you think of people that hurt you in the past or opportunities lost, you suddenly become infused with anger and pain and the day just roles into despair and depression. Lets chose to drink from the well spring of living waters its REFRESHING, LIFE GIVING AND FREE.

Monday, 13 January 2014
Part of the plan
The book of John 4:1-40 recounts Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman. This was not a chance encounter but incidentally part of his earthly mission. Jesus did not just appear at the well because verse 4 of that chapter tells us "He had to go through Samaria". Jesus was going to Jerusalem but he had to make this "stop" to reconfigure the journey of a woman who was lost. The Samaritan woman was lost emotionally, maritally socially and religiously. Maritally, she'd been with five husband and the sixth man was not even married to her. She was a social recluse as the bible tells us she was at the well during the hottest time of the day-ALONE. Most maidens and women always go to fetch water in groups and mostly in the evenings (Gen 24:11). emotionally, she was an outcast; given the strict religious laws at the time, who would want to be associated with an immoral woman?, better to brave the intense sunlight than endure the condemning stares and gossip of the other village women. Religiously, she still had a warped mindset of true worship,(John 4:19-24) Jesus could not continue to Jerusalem until he met with this woman. He felt the pull of her mess and needed to turn it into a compelling message. That journey into Samaria was not a detour but PART OF THE PLAN. Jesus came to earth with a plan and that lost lady with a whole lot of gabbage was part of that divine plan. What is that plan you may wonder? TO SAVE THE LOST. "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost",Luke 19:10. Salvation met the samaritan woman at the well. She was lost in sin and burdened by religious dogma but Jesus met her right there and then and SHE WAS SET FREE. Her CV did not matter to Jesus and yours does not either. It does not matter how far lost you are, Jesus died for you.Your story like that of the woman at the well can be His Story, if only you'll let him. That nameless woman stands for each and everyone of us who has at one point or the other made very poor choices but its all good because Jesus loves you the way you are. Moreover, there's no hiding from him,He is ALL SEEING. Remember, you are not an after thought no matter what you are going through, YOU ARE PART OF THE PLAN.
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