Hurray! I have lost a whopping 6kg in a month!!!!. I'm so excited and very pleased with myself. I was shopping yesterday and decided to stop by at a pharmacy to check my weight. imagine my surprise when the result came out...almost screamed the shop down(apologies to the attendant that I hugged and the poor shoppers that thought the pharmacy was under attack when they heard this crazy black lady dancing and screaming at the same time.... poor joshua must have been very embarrassed. The things I put him through!)
My excitement stemmed from the fact that my weight loss program was actually working. I'd made some serious dietary and life style changes but nothing prepares you for the outcomes of some actions don't you think? I don't particularly have a laid down regime but I do take lots of green tea and that boosts my energy levels. Infact, I'm addicted to green tea. I've practically stopped taking regular tea-no more sugar and milk for this lady.
Losing this extra lard of fat is a very big feat for me since I've been desperate to be slim and healthy for a long time. Right now, I'm motivated to push the envelop further. Cant wait to show off a slimmer and healthier me in the summer. Already, I can visualise my now delectable self in a tribal bodycon dress with no bulge in sight and no constricting girdle as well.....lol

In january, I made a decision not to buy any new outfit till I reach my target weight. it'll make the idea of shopping for the unveiled new me more exciting. In the words of Joan Rivers, "my body is a temple and this temple need redecorating"...lol
Hard work sure pays and I'm determined to win this battle of the bulge. ISIOMA WATCH THIS SPACE!!
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