Its been a very busy couple of days for me. An unexpected, rather sudden opportunity came my way and I grabbed it with both arms. I started this blog to keep my mind active and put in action,skills that I have acquired through several trainings. My originial intention and its still in the bag is to develop every idea I have on the blog's dash board but I may have to suspend those for now.
I have learnt in the past four years to embrace every opportunity to develop and better myself without making excuses. The secret to success is to update oneself or be considered irrelevant. That is why most companies spend a fortune on employee training and development.
There is no actual ideal or perfect moment for anything in life. you just have to seize the moment and every chance that comes your way.Life is too short for regrets or wasting of time.Make every moment count. It is better to try and fail than not try at all. Stop making excuses!
You may not have the perfect husband but make your relationship count.Make every moment worthwhile with your partner.
You may not have the perfect job but rather than drag your feet to work, bounce all the way. If not resign and stop whinning and making every other person's day a misery.
I learnt the hard way to stop looking for faults in people rather look beyond the facade, strip the outer layers and see the beauty that lies beneath the surface. There is a diamond in everyone even in the most unlikely candidate.
I lost a brother in 1993 and my only regret was that I never told him how much I loved him as much as I wanted. That my dear, hurts like hell. So now I try to make every relationship count as much as I can.
I had post natal depression after the birth of my son(just finished a project that will soon be aired on radio titled "post natal depression-A Silent Cry". Despite the fact that I carried him for nine months and breast fed him,I never felt like his mother. Motherhood has been the most difficult challenge for me, surprised? well dont be! I survived an accident in which over 60 people died and lost 3 fingers on my right but I adjusted to my physical disabilities just fine.
It took over two years for the maternal bonding to set. I went through the motions of being a mother but never trully felt like one. The worst part was not having anyone to share my feelings with without the condemnation and unfair judgement. Anywho,I came to my senses when I realised I was missing out of my son's early years. I cant really recall his first laughter and all those many significant early stage moments. Thank God the spell was broken and I snapped out of the "trance". Now I see and apreciate him more. Only you can decide how long you wallow in the valley of despair. Even when what you desire is not forthcoming yet, make the best use of your wait.
moreover,you cannot turn back the hands of time but can impact today and change tomorrow.
So what will it be? regrets Or success? The power is in your hands! The choice is yours! Seize the moment and make a difference!
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