One of my all time favourite preaching is by Darlene Bishop titled "Why Won't People Pray". it explores the benefits and importance of having a vibrant prayer life. In other words "a prayerless christian is a powerless christian". one of the mistakes that christians make is believing that prayers must be tied to a particular time and must have a defined format. If you forget to have a quality devotion in the morning before leaving home for work, you can pray on the way to work.It could be while doing the dishes or preparing breakfast. I have discovered that it pays to have stolen quiet moments though nothing beats a quality solitary time with the lord.
The purpose of this post is to celebrate the birth of my little niece, Princess Joyce Olamaoghena-a much awaited and long desired child. The parents had been waiting and expecting for six years after marriage.Of course their faith must have been tested and the fabric of the marriage challenged but thank God their desire came.
One, if not the greatest test of any marriage is if there is a seeming inability of the couple to have children shortly after marriage as expected. Many homes have been broken as a result. In some cultures in Nigeria, six months after the wedding is more than enough period for conception. The in-laws start meddling and questioning the bride(as if its only the woman involved).If you are lucky to have in-laws who respect privacy in marriages its most likely your folks will do the job of poke -nosing in your affairs.
I have had a couple of friends and family members that have been through this problem.A few like my sister-in law are now mothers while some are still waiting.
what advice would you give to a woman that is believing God for a miracle when all else seems to have failed including medical assistance? what advice would you give a woman who's been married for ages without any issue while other couples have babies effortlessly? my answer, keep praying. Its not easy but who said anything good comes easy? proverbs 13 v 12 says "hope deferred makes the heart sick but when the desire comes it is a tree of life"
I am a single mother of one. Despite the challenges I had with my partner,nothing was going to make me abort because i knew pregnancy was a gift and motherhood a priviledge.
Olamaoghena is an Edo name from Nigeria which translates to "the prayer of God".
She is trully a gift from God and the answer to our prayers!!
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