Its my birthday today! I was not going to write anything but just couldn't resist the urge to include you in my day. This particular celebration is special for many reasons and I want to share with you.
I was at a book launch yesterday when a friend asked how old I was. For a brief moment I forgot and had to tell her the year I was born. After deep consideration, I realised my life has been filled with so many glorious moments that time seems suspended. In fact, there was a time my life seemed paused but that is a topic for another post.

Truth is, the past years have been a journey, a bumpy one at that but an adventure nonetheless. I have been battered, bruised but not broken. My body bears physical scars that cannot be hidden but others are not visible to the naked eyes, testament to deeper wounds. I survived an accident in which over sixty people died but lost three fingers on my right hand. The scars and partial disability do not detract from who I am but only enhances the fact that physical features do not truly describe a person but inner beauty does. I have been emotionally abused and rejected but I always bounced back; bigger and better (my ample folds are a testament to the bigger Some of my experiences are still too raw to share and are in the healing process but I'm not lying under. NOT THIS GIRL.
A lot of friends, acquaintances and strangers wonder how I am able to laugh and make others laugh in the midst of the ugliness and I laugh the more.
You see life is a journey with unexpected bumps and detours with network of connections called failure, rejection, distractions, pain, regrets and mistakes. Some you prepare for and still run headlong into them while others happen upon you despite your better choices and plans. However these bumps do not discount the realities of success, fulfilment, achievement. and other pleasures that are intertwined in the process and most times have to be deliberately sought out.
A lot of times of times the bumps lead to the bounty, if only you bear the discomfort. never think for a moment that whatever challenge or trials you'r going through will destroy you because it won't. YOU ARE BUILT TO LAST...beyond the pain, rejections, illness, separation, divorce, bankruptcy, betrayals etc.
I have been through some situations that I thought I would never survive but years on, I look back and marvel at how I managed. I even wondered why I worried in the first place. NOW I KNOW BETTER.
Challenges no longer faze me, I have learnt better and mostly from the low moments. ITS ALL GOOD. My new attitude has nothing to do with positive thinking or any new age mumbo jumbo, ITS THE GOD IN ME.
Jesus has been my anchor, my sanity in the midst of the madness. How else do you find humour when your world is turned turpsy turvy? By seeing through the lens of God's Word. I realised The same power that made laughter well up in the heart of Sarah dwells in me.
So I am celebrating because
"in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us" Rom 8:37. Despite my challenges, I AM THRIVING. I AM GETTING BETTER AND BETTER.
I've got so much to say but you get the gist. Every trial you've gone through make up your story and your story is meant to comfort and encourage others not kill you
." blessed be the God and father of our lord Jesus Christ,...who comforts us in all our afflictions so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with comfort which we ourselves are comforted by God" 2 Cor 1:3-4.
Since bumps are a necessary part of the journey, I'd like to share certain truths I've learnt along the way.
- Challenges are part of life-"dear friends do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come upon on you to test you as though something strange were happening to you" 1 peter 4;12 .
- You have to be connected to Jesus-"I am the vine;you are the branches...apart from me you can do nothing" John 15:5.
- The Word is indispensable-"thy word is lamp for my feet and light to my feet" Psalm 119:105.
- The Holy Spirit is Guide, Helper, Comforter, Standby, Grace.
- God has a plan- "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. plans to prosper you and not harm you" Jeremiah 29:11.
- Trust God and His plans.
- It will end well-"all things God causes everything to work together for those who love him" Rom 8:28.

- Walk in faith
- Pray without ceasing.
- Form godly relationships
- learn from every challenge.
- Have a good attitude-don't complain.
- learn from the experience of others
- don't isolate yourself
- it shall pass-don't give up
- be patient- the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1;3
- Expect something good.
Life is a journey. You don't have to go it alone. Weave your experiences into a tapestry of interesting stories with the Holy spirit driving the narrative.
I am grateful for the journey so far and excited for the journey ahead. First stop, dinner with my son, that's a story I'll share tomorrow. Now, what to wear?