Gladys proposes,Gladys disposes! Hmmm! freedom is good but i guess I'm beginning to abuse it.I got stuck as usual in front of the television and totally forgot about my carefully laid out plans for the day.Reluctantly,I made a conscious decision to get the house sorted.I eventually lifted my ample behind from my beloved couch and straight into the kitchen,sorted the laundry and prepared lunch for josh.
My laid back attitude today got me thinking on the christian journey.The difference between a champion and a loser is in the amount of effort put in the challenge or task at hand. As Christians,we bask in past victories without adequate thoughts for future battles. That is why we mostly falter in the face of problems(it is the reason i fell apart a couple of weeks back) A blunt sword is useless in war and a soldier with depleted ammunition is in for trouble. Living a victorious life is a concerted and deliberate effort.The devil never rests so why should we rest on our oars(1 pet 5:8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour). I am not perfect but striving toward perfection so like you I'm eager to learn and apply every word in the bible to daily living. The key to victorious living is to daily read the bible and pray.The bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. It should be a ceaseless flow. There is nothing like a holiday.We must be spiritually connected at all times. Three years ago, I purposed in my heart that i would never reject or refuse any opportunity to lead prayers at any occasion whether I'm given prior notice or not. As God's soldiers we should be ever ready. An easy analogy in the bible is the story of David and Bathsheba. The bible records that when kings were at were at war David was at home and got ensnared with lust towards another man's wife(2Sam 11).
We need to daily immerse ourselves in the word and cloth ourself with grace in other to be good ambassadors as well as be prepared for the challenges that will definitely come our way. you never know who will need a word of encouragement during the course of the day.
I may not be in Dublin today but I'll not waste the day by being glued to the t.v or sleeping the day away. Its back to the cleaning,laundry and a day of fun with my favourite person in the world-JOSHUA.